Today, actually feels like summer is breaking through the nasty cold winter air. I can hear the birds chirping, trying to chirp the frost away. I just want to thaw out already. I' ve been cooped up in our non-insulated apartment for months, with just two mini space heaters working their tushies off to keep us warm. They're good little space heaters, yes, but I'm getting anxious to stash them in our storage closet. We try not to run our heat because its as if the heat goes right out the window. So, the little heaters are parked in our bedroom for good. Anyway, I just can't express my excitement enough for summer to arrive. No need for a jacket, turning your car on before hand just to heat it up so you dont have to drive to work/school in a frost bitten car, wearing a robe from the shower to the bedroom, heavy comforter + 4 blankets to keep us warm in the night, holding on to dear life walking down a sheet of iced covered stairs, and much much more. Summer time and warmth is just easier to deal with, it's less of a struggle. Yes, heat can cause the sweat tacos to arrive, but hey, I'd take that over any winter. Bring on the summertime!